Highlights, Special and Fortunate Events
Abschlussveranstaltung AlgoSyn 2015
Young Researchers Conference 2015 FFM
“PromotionsCafé” mit Brigitte-Gilles-Preis ausgezeichnet
AlgoSyn Fall Workshop in Schleiden 2014
Congratulations to Oliver Göbel, Martin Hoefer and Berthold Voecking for their best at ICALP, Online Independent Set Beyond the Worst-Case: Secretaries, Prophets, and Periods http://arxiv.org/abs/1307.3192
2. Feb 2013 |
(Happy) Members of Gk AlgoSyn after a successfull Workshop in Rolduc 2012 |
when | what |
23.10.-25.10.2013 | Algosyn Fall School |
09.10.-11.10.2013 | Workshop in Dagstuhl |
12.12..2012 | Promotionscafé “Bereit zum Durchstarten” |
08..-09.11.2012 | AlgoSyn-Workshop in Rolduc |
08..-09.11.2012 | Promotionscafé “Es geht um die Themen. Elterngeld, Mutterschutz, Erziehungszeiten, finanzielle Situation” |
23.-25.03.2011 | AlgoSyn-Workshop in Rolduc |
12.11. | Dr.Gustavo Quiros received NAMUR Award |
11.11. – 12.11. | AlgoSyn-Workshop in Rolduc |
04.10. | Excursion to Tagebau Hambach |
05.2010 | Dr. Sebastian Klabes gets Europaen Friedrich-List-Award 2010 for his Ph.D. |
31. Mai – 2. Juni 2010. | Workshop in Dagstuhl organiszd by AlgoSyn |
03.05.2010 | Gustavo Quirós received his Ph.D. |
22.02.2010 | Lars Olbrich received his Ph.D. |
05.2010 | Dr. Sebastian Klabes gets Europaen Friedrich-List-Award 2010 for his Ph.D. |
27.01.2010 | Michael Ummels received his Ph.D. |
11.03.2010 | Daniel Klink received his Ph.D. |
25.01.2010 | Martin Neuhäusser received his Ph.D. |
30.11.2009 | George Merzios received his Ph.D. |
01.11.2009 | PD Dr. Christof Löding joined GK AlgoSyn |
22.10.2009 | Sebastian Klabes received his Ph.D. |
31.08.2009 | Carsten Kern received his Ph.D. |
07.2009 | Publication of collective Paper: DFG Research Training Group “Algorithmic Synthesis of Reactive and Sidcrete-Continous Systems” in it – Information Technology |
01.12.2008 | Prof. Dr. Erika Ábrahám joined GK AlgoSyn |
29.10.2008 | Florian Horn received his Ph.D. |
26.06.2008 | Lukas Kaiser received his Ph.D. |
25.06.2008 | Bastian Schlich received his Ph.D. |
06.09.2007 | Nico Wallmeier received his Ph.D. |
01.07.2006 | Kickoff Graduiertenkolleg AlgoSyn |