
Highlights, Special and Fortunate Events


Abschlussveranstaltung AlgoSyn 2015

Young Researchers Conference 2015 FFM

“PromotionsCafé” mit Brigitte-Gilles-Preis ausgezeichnet

AlgoSyn Fall Workshop in Schleiden 2014


Congratulations to Oliver Göbel, Martin Hoefer and Berthold Voecking for their best at  ICALP, Online Independent Set Beyond the Worst-Case: Secretaries, Prophets, and Periods http://arxiv.org/abs/1307.3192




exkursion_logo 2. Feb 2013
(Happy) Members of Gk AlgoSyn after a successfull Workshop in Rolduc 2012


when what
23.10.-25.10.2013 Algosyn Fall School
09.10.-11.10.2013 Workshop in Dagstuhl
12.12..2012 Promotionscafé “Bereit zum Durchstarten”
08..-09.11.2012 AlgoSyn-Workshop in Rolduc
08..-09.11.2012 Promotionscafé “Es geht um die Themen. Elterngeld, Mutterschutz, Erziehungszeiten, finanzielle Situation”
23.-25.03.2011 AlgoSyn-Workshop in Rolduc
12.11. Dr.Gustavo Quiros received NAMUR Award
11.11. – 12.11. AlgoSyn-Workshop in Rolduc
04.10. Excursion to Tagebau Hambach
05.2010 Dr. Sebastian Klabes gets Europaen Friedrich-List-Award 2010 for his Ph.D.
31. Mai – 2. Juni 2010. Workshop in Dagstuhl organiszd by AlgoSyn
03.05.2010 Gustavo Quirós received his Ph.D.
22.02.2010 Lars Olbrich received his Ph.D.
05.2010 Dr. Sebastian Klabes gets Europaen Friedrich-List-Award 2010 for his Ph.D.
27.01.2010 Michael Ummels received his Ph.D.
11.03.2010 Daniel Klink received his Ph.D.
25.01.2010 Martin Neuhäusser received his Ph.D.
30.11.2009 George Merzios received his Ph.D.
01.11.2009 PD Dr. Christof Löding joined GK AlgoSyn
22.10.2009 Sebastian Klabes received his Ph.D.
31.08.2009 Carsten Kern received his Ph.D.
07.2009 Publication of collective Paper: DFG Research Training Group “Algorithmic Synthesis of Reactive and Sidcrete-Continous Systems” in it – Information Technology
01.12.2008 Prof. Dr. Erika Ábrahám joined GK AlgoSyn
29.10.2008 Florian Horn received his Ph.D.
26.06.2008 Lukas Kaiser received his Ph.D.
25.06.2008 Bastian Schlich received his Ph.D.
06.09.2007 Nico Wallmeier received his Ph.D.
01.07.2006 Kickoff Graduiertenkolleg AlgoSyn